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nature gifts for kids

Sponges are the unsung heroes of the flower-pressing world, and here's why: they play a pivotal role in evenly distributing pressure and moisture control. Placed over the delicate petals, they ensure that your flowers dry uniformly and maintain their vivid colors. Unlike some other materials, sponges are gentle on your blossoms, preventing any unwanted crushing or damage during the pressing process. They're like a gentle, protective hug for your precious blooms. Whether you're refilling your Ditsy Flowers Flower Press Kit or diving into the world of flower pressing for crafts, our sponges are the key to unlocking vibrant, preserved petals that will breathe life into your creative projects. Get ready to craft your own botanical masterpiece!


6 sponges sold in each set

5.9 x 8.2 x 0.1

Ditsy Flowers Flower Press Sponge Refills

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